We welcome submissions on any topic in phonology from any theoretical perspective and methodology. We invite abstracts for talks (20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion) or posters. Each individual may submit a maximum of one abstract as first author (or sole author), and a maximum of two abstracts in total. Abstracts will be blindly peer-reviewed by an international panel of reviewers.

Abstract guidelines

  • Maximum 2 pages of A4 paper, including references, examples, tables, and figures
  • 12 pt Times New Roman font
  • 2.54 cm (one inch) margins on all sides
  • Anonymous
  • PDF format

Abstracts not following these guidelines will be returned to authors.

Abstract submission, reviewing, and notification of acceptance will be handled using EasyChair.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15 September 2020.

Notification of acceptance will be in late October.